We often enter into relationships without much thoughts on its persistence or survival, yet when we are about to pull out we are often engrossed in thought. The Question that I have always tried to ask is,' Are we afraid to be alone ? Are we incapable fulfilling our own requirements ? Are we an insecure species who cannot survive by self but constantly need some one to watch our very step from our infancy ?'
Quite often I find there are more questions in life compared to the insignificant number of answers. But have we even tried looking for answers ? Some time ago I heard a decent quotation which goes like this." Love is a way nature cons mankind into making more babies." In a way this is true . This hypothesis perhaps explains infidelity and man's insatiable lust. I have little experience and little patience in romance, though many head over heels in love may contradict me. Uniquely enough for me it didn't quite work out. I wouldn't say I was happy after my first shot at a relationship turned out to be a misfire. But with time, I learnt to heal my wounds they did remain fresh for a long time .So now I am recluse.I do not however resent the fact. It gives me strange kind of freedom, a satisfaction that for once in my life I can do the things I've always wanted to do completely by myself without sharing myself with a woman.
Quite often I find there are more questions in life compared to the insignificant number of answers. But have we even tried looking for answers ? Some time ago I heard a decent quotation which goes like this." Love is a way nature cons mankind into making more babies." In a way this is true . This hypothesis perhaps explains infidelity and man's insatiable lust. I have little experience and little patience in romance, though many head over heels in love may contradict me. Uniquely enough for me it didn't quite work out. I wouldn't say I was happy after my first shot at a relationship turned out to be a misfire. But with time, I learnt to heal my wounds they did remain fresh for a long time .So now I am recluse.I do not however resent the fact. It gives me strange kind of freedom, a satisfaction that for once in my life I can do the things I've always wanted to do completely by myself without sharing myself with a woman.