
Looking for something...????

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Accused of stealing the breath of the fresh air,

I work stealthily in the mighty Puppeteer's absence.
I pull the strings with my dexterous fingers,

Trying to tinker with the mind's clockwork.

Tying the world to my subtle perceptions,
I exhume the Marionettes' buried remains,
And use them to paint a new portrait
Of the masquerade I conspire to create.

Concealed in the languid penumbra,
I walk away from the light.
The bright iridescence from the flame;
Blinds my gray eyes - laden with murkiness.

The world spins around in dizzy blur,
I fail to recognize the passing faces.
The storyboard of life is written,
And yet rewritten again.

A broken soul slowly pieces together,
It's utterly garbled psyche.
A repressed love makes subtle appearances,
Only to be unceremoniously stifled by assassin's creed.

The torsion between the mind and heart,
Has ripped apart the soul;
Murder and vengeance came hand in hand,
Judgement became the obtuse fool.

Tear off me this blighted mask,
Purge from my sanity,this cursed miasma
Deafen me to drown the noise of this vile epiphany,
For join I never shall, this blasphemous masquerade.

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