
Looking for something...????

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Glad to be back.....after a long while....

Strangely enough education inhibits the hobbies of youngsters these days. However even the the most constructive co-curricular activities are considered fatuously dangerous to one's career . For me I don't know how playing a guitar or writing blogs for instance can hamper one's academic life. Truthfully speaking it is rather obvious that a student cannot study for 24 hours a day . So if one studies for at least 4 hours a day why can he not spend the quarter of an hour in doing something re creative. The definition of career is rather ambiguous . What does career mean ? Does it mean giving up every thing in life that brings joy and spending time with only and only the academic coursework. The question that keeps coming back to me is do we always become what we want to be or are driven in the rat race to destroy our dreams slog as students in schools and colleges as well as through work in our later life. Then what exactly is life worth and why is it worth living if not lived happily.Is it only for earning money..??? This question is hard to answer and even harder to ask.

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