A lonely road,
Moonless night sky,
Heavy steps walked alone,
Of a depressed guy.
At a distance he sees,
A lady in red,
Lost in deep thoughts as she walked,
She looked not a bit scared.
She didn’t notice the guy.
And walked him right past by,
But he had noticed her well,
And also the tears in her eye.
Draped in red satin,
She was fair like the moon,
She had the prettiest pair of eyes,
They could make anybody’s heart swoon.
Eyerybody has a story.
He wondered what hers was.
Had she lost her job as well ?
Or had she lost her love...?
He guessed it was the latter.
And although he wasn’t sure,
All that mattered to him now,
Was to make her feel secure.
He went up to her,
She was shaken back to reality,
She looked him in the eye.
And found a look of assurity.
His eyes reflected his mind
As he managed a wry smile
Saying,” It’s ok not to be fine sometimes,
It happens once a while.”
And as she wept aloud,
For her broken heart that bled,
She felt so much better,
For herself instead.
And so they walk together,
Their silence speaking the unsaid,
Along the lonely road,
The depressed guy.
And the lady in Red.