My life stretches before me
An arid wasteland
All alone I stand here
Among mountains of sand
All alone I stand here
Among mountains of sand
My cold heard beats in mine bosom
Hard as stone, closed to the world,
As I stand alone in this sea of sorrow
Shedding tears of dust
Each breath is laboured
Every step heavier than the last
My mind reminisces about joys once savoured
Yet I am lost in infinite coldness
I yearn for joy, I yearn for love,
I yearn for sorrow, I yearn for pain
I yearn for emotion, something I lost somewhere along,
Nay, for sooth, I threw it away.
After all, I reasoned, who needs emotion?
Love hurts all within its grasp
Anger consumes you like a flame
Regret haunts you ‘til the last of your days
Emotion is a useless thing
Something better to have kept away.
But lo! I beseech you, follow not in mine footsteps
For no longer can I savour the sweet taste
Of love, comradeship, all things good,
Nor can I weep, weep tears of sorrow
(heartfelt of otherwise)
For what I have yearned for, I have become,
A cold emotionless monster.
Alas, for now it is far too late for me to change
For I now stand alone; all have passed me by
Too late for me perhaps, but not for you !
Live your life, live it through,
Be not like me, able to do naught but shed tears of dust,
A cold emotionless monster.
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