
Looking for something...????

Sunday, July 12, 2009


A Song without a single sound,
A cry without a wail,
When everything’s mute around,
When words win to fail….,

And then,
Silence starts to speak,
In pure bliss or solace,
A tear down the cheek,
A smile across the face,

When nothing’s said,
Still everything’s heard,
When everything’s laid,
Under silence’s care,…unheard..,

Moments before a gale,
Moments after it strikes out,
& the hearts gotta sail,
in the ocean of silence…let fate sprout,

It wanders & remains,
When a loved one goes far away….,
And you r left alone in the rains….,
Isolated,..Speechless,...each day,

But it incarnates as “best art of conversation”,
'cause even a blink of an eye,
Is the best oration,
And thus Silence will lie,
And Silence will prevail,

When you have got nothing to say,
Silence will say it all………..

1 comment:

  1. am glad u wrote sumthin lik this .........sumthing dat connects to evrybuddy!


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