
Looking for something...????

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Some Kind of Monster

Suspended in Time
Those moments lie
For She never returned
Leaving me to fade away in bleak midwinter.

Still waiting,
Wishing I was dead
Desperate to forget
Unable to focus on what lay ahead.

Breathing in vacuum
Struggling to exist,
Memories tormenting my sanity ,
Making me clench my fist.

Emotions are numb
Insides sore,
I knew the hour had come
I couldn't take it anymore.

My transformation had begun.
I could no longer carry dead weight,
In the wake of suffocation
My Allegiances had shifted.

During this forsaken hour,
I built my armor.
Forged in the fires of rage
Empowered by anathema.

My only objective faces me,
To tell her...
Should I ever meet her again,
"Come witness thy creation"

"Behold in front of you it stands. "
A Wraith perhaps- a pallid specter
A potent variant of
'Some Kind of Monster'

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