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Monday, April 4, 2011

Russian Roulette

Close your eyes and Pull the trigger,
Bet your soul, albeit for the last time.
Sometimes prayer soothes the fraying nerve,
In this Godless Gamble.

Press the glock to your temple.
Does fear cloud your faculties ? 
Or does Adrenaline whet it ?
It's just one Bullet.

Do chills run up your soft spine ?
Do I see tears roll down your cheeks,
Is that a mild whimper I hear,
As you clench your teeth.

Honey, this won't take long
A deafening crack and blinding light.
Just momentary pain,
Nothing like what you inflicted on me.

My turn disappointed me,
All I could hear was hollow click.
The empty chamber echoing,
Of Blinding vengeance.

Tonight we play,
With odds on my side.
Nothing for me to lose
But your world crumbling.

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