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Monday, May 21, 2012

Cul de Sac...

They hear the hand-grenades hurled at midnight's wake,
The dawn sees the refugees trudge through the snow. 
The echoes of machine guns ringing in their ears,
Their hearts deaf to their own beating.

Tanks force their way into their quaint villages,
Air strikes swarm their vulnerable skies.
As the adults struggle for dominance,
Barbed wire incarcerates the innocence of their children.

Bitter politics consumes common man's future,
Greed thrives on their apathy and comatose morality.
Double standards claw their way into fragile souls,
As humanity  reeks of the corrupt.

The path is frittered with blind alleys.
I keep wandering into a Cul de Sac,
At each step, whether I choose or not;
Turning a warrior into a mercenary.

Each moment I realize, my honor lies incapacitated,
My conscience auctioned to the highest bidder,
My allegiance prostituted to the hunger of the vile
Peace and Sleep silenced forever.

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