
Looking for something...????

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Children of the Midnight

As the full moon rises to its natural throne…
The children of the night
Awaken to weave their web
Of gothic enchantments.

Through the shadows they creep,
Whispering on the night winds
Their dark secrets

When dawn breaks, they are gone
When dusk falls they appear,
For none but one
Do they fear

Those warriors of lore
Who have risen once more
To fight, to fight
The children of the night

A blade of silver
Is their only bane
With that, must they be beheaded
And only then can they be slain

But then, a challenge within
Shall be a threat anew
One from out very own brethren

But if such a time should come
Where riseth not the sun
A quest must be taken
By warriors, not one, but two

For now comes a foe
Strong and mighty
One never vanquished before

Only blood of enemies a score
When the heavens line up
Shall suffice to finish the lore
For then, and only then, shall the heroes arise
Their powers alleviated for evermore

Yet even then the foe they can vanquish not
Lest they fight alone
But if together they fought
The battle shall be won…

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Close your eyes to see me
And take my hand
I can be your worst nightmare as well as your most beautiful dream come true

Come with me
I shall show you my domain
Domain which is inhabited by few

Do not ask me whether they are blessed or damned
For that does not depend on me or them
And that is the cause of their despair

For I can be death and life
Disease and cure
And that who alone lives in my domain
Shall suffer the most horrible pain

I am everything and nothing
All the power belongs to me
Never ever use my name in vain
That can be so disgraceful
For it weakens me and turns myself into my opposite self
Domain turned into doom

Fear me not
Fear those who have left my domain
And do not blame me in case you come and get sick
Some can not resist my beauty

And I tell you that is not my fault
It´s the fault of your compatriots
who share my domain.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Atrophy vs Entropy

Thoughts thrown randomly at the walls
and nailed back into place
recovering the pieces lost
from the wars raging behind a calm face
Abhor the vacuum
So nature fills the void
Not with the tranquility longed for
But with the entropy of a mind devoid

Tragedy strikes
When mere tremors grow
Into complete mental collapse
And the downfall of reactions occur
Giving way to utter negative relapse

Knee jerks and spinal tap
Functioning on an involuntary level
Perhaps guided by a light misguided
Do we dare hope for a repose
Or do we surrender to an inevitable cranial dispose?
The question is but a trifle among the tide
Cradled in the eye of the vortex
Of an infected inner-cortex

Amidst this harmonious discord
The chaotic calm before the storm

Disconnected emotions surges spoken word
And hurt courses through the ones linked at heart
Screaming yet completely silent
Morally correct yet decadent

Doomed to a life of pseudo-intelligent depravity
Doubting all but self-standing gravity
With only this verse self-explanatory
Showing any semblance to sanity

Destined to suffer rapid rational decay

Severing all desires of salvation away
And as i raise the scalpel to my mind

I'm convinced that atrophy is the only way.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Eternal Somnolence

Strange voices call me at night ..
While I'm drinking your tears with wine
..You should have known it better
..I wish those tears were mine
..I cant stand the sound of your cries
..But maybe that's just one of my lies
..My child, dont believe in me
..I'm torn apart, just drowning inside
..Silence is the best escape
..From this feeling that I truly hate
..I'm dying to reach out
..The highest point of my rage
..You always wanted more
..I should have known this before
..I dont dare to blame you
..Because I dont care anymore
..In your life I was always behind
..I'm not stupid, dont need to deny
..Illusions blinds you
..As you fall into the depth of my mind
..You couldnt see my wound deep
..But still could make me weak
..Those are the words I try to say
..Now this is over,
I'm on my eternal sleep

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Flight Of the Phoenix

A phoenix caught in a fiend's net
Sang sweeter than ever
As if the enchanting melody
Might wing & net dissever

As dusk fell she took her prey
Its freedom gone forever
Its end was soon to come
But passion to live coudnt be undone

Burning in its funeral pyre
A desire to live arose from its breath
An eternal life a second chance to destroy her.....the saving grace

Flames engulfing in their dance of seduction...
Peeling away glory last.......
The winds making a design amidst ashes of destruction
A smile arose like serpent's tail her sign of satisfaction;

Sparks arose from the remnant flickers
Flames of revival burst out as heavens shed its tears
Soon her triumph turned into horror
As the phoenix rose....Higher,Mightier than ever....
Answering its hearts bidding,
As revenge is an act of passion but vengeance is justice

Monday, April 6, 2009

Reflection of Iscariot...

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who is the beast staring back at me ?
Screaming voices come pouring in,
I am looking at myself
No comforting words
To wash out the horror
In which I see
So directly
Memories are too overwhelming to me
Close my eyes and wish to hide away
The face of eternity
The face I see
No comforting words
To wash out the horror
In which I see
So directly
Ghosts are passing by me
Through what I see
The past haunting the burnt skin which lay upon me
Shut my eyes and hope it to go away
A mask vastly stitched to cover the hate
That is placed inside
This mirror is a gaze of black marble
I watch myself knowing not what I am
My heart looks so hollow through these glass fixture eyes
Behind me I see devils hiding in the shadow
They resemble me
Looking closely
Darkness pulls me down
I take a knife within my hands
Beg of me to shed this monsters skin
Piercing the knife within me
I tare away all hope and serenity
The face of a girl I once knew haunts me
Dancing all around me
Making scribbles all over my mind
I am confused of which identity belong to me
I am drowning In my own reflection
Relating to all those tears I once shed
Along the shore of grief
Yet It starts to fade but another image of a man appears
Is this me
Or someone I once knew
Or someone I do know
Fear conquers over me
Shedding blood I fall
I want to stop
Destroy what I see
Words park over me
Hateful words that crash and thunder upon me
Hard like kids throwing rocks
Monster I am
Cut my heart from within throwing it away
Blood splashes across the mirror
I am unsure if it is mine or a beasts
Who am I ?
Screaming out a monster unleashed
The skin is no longer attached to my fiercely graved body
Which lay lifeless
By thy monsters evil reflection
No comforting words
To wash out the horror
In which I see
So directly
The silent Immortal death of someone who I use to be………

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Obituary

He was a man
Who waylaid
The weathered steps
Of the staircase
Winding down to hell.
He was a man
So very shriveled,
He looked long judged
And proven chaste.
He was a man of Age.
He hummed a little,
Before crying again
He lay splayed
With his vessel
That jarred to jingle
With rusted coins
And finally disappeared
One day soon.
But cling he did
To his place there
Through the dawn
And night after.
Nobody knew when
Last he breathed.
He was a man
But a man long dead.

An obituary rested
On that weathered step,
As a non-existent,
Reverent absence.
And the concave silence
Of the voices that claim
Their blessings that he
May rest in peace.
But who needed them
His life would say…
The life that never
Asked for much.
He had been tested
And proven chaste,
So god bestowed
Him with the taste
Of the hell in life
As a life in hell…
So he may never lose
His way after death…

Rhapshody of the Shadows....

Gazing at the darkened sky
the nameless shapes and the darkness around
I love this beauty; there’s no Why
It’s hidden charms and distant sounds.

I love the Shadows
I love this darkness
this quiet nocturnal sensuality

I love the Shadows
I love this caress
by its cool mysterious subtlety

It’s Black all around
Black- the unknown Invisible
the color of the Unexposed
the alluring beauty of the Unexplored
It’s the expression of pure silence
the essence of the Abstract;
It’s the ever-beckoning beauty of some untraceable ache.

Black-the Ultimatum of the Universe
-It’s the deepest point beneath
the Ocean yet unsighted-
-The farthest corner of the spiralling galaxy
with unending attraction
but too distant for revelation
-It’s the unfathomable depth
of the Intensity in Your eyes-
-It’s the deepest dark secret
in the most private layers of the mind-
-It’s the unasked question within
whose answer I seek
not knowing yet where again
as I trudge through empty rooms…

Bathed in the black of the midnight
I watch the shadow stealing the lights
But I love this Shadow
I love this blackness
and its seducing blanket of solitude

Every being’s become a shadow at this hour
-and it’s my time of seclusion from the world
from all its insincerity and rotten pretence
the exhibition of the so-called ‘selflessness’.

It’s my time to devote to my passions
When I can be my own naked Self, laid bare
for an orgasm with my deepest emotions.
-away from the shallow laughs
and silly ways of ‘social’ men
their grinning teeth flashed to hide the bland, sceptical eyes;
eager to widen the circle of silly social ties.

So I love the Shadows
I love the nights like hell.
I need it to salvate my seething insides from screaming.

This is the time
-when the sapphire glows its most breathtaking blue-
-when a song from my lips resounds the most beautiful tune
When the stark gets overcome by the soulful-
And to let loose the most primitive,
Most blatant expressions of mine
From its rueful self-imposed bind.

In these Shadows
It’s time to vent out the strange ecstacy
At realizing the glory of existence
I could fight with my life and yet succeed;
That’s the absolute joy of being me.
In these Shadows
It’s again, my Undeniable hour
to unleash the Rage within:
At myself and the sleeping earth
For this lone existence in a hypocritical world.

And I love the Shadows
I just love this darkness
It’s my secret haunt,
My precious retreat
as needed as the Air I breathe…
I love the Shadows…

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