
Looking for something...????

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Close your eyes to see me
And take my hand
I can be your worst nightmare as well as your most beautiful dream come true

Come with me
I shall show you my domain
Domain which is inhabited by few

Do not ask me whether they are blessed or damned
For that does not depend on me or them
And that is the cause of their despair

For I can be death and life
Disease and cure
And that who alone lives in my domain
Shall suffer the most horrible pain

I am everything and nothing
All the power belongs to me
Never ever use my name in vain
That can be so disgraceful
For it weakens me and turns myself into my opposite self
Domain turned into doom

Fear me not
Fear those who have left my domain
And do not blame me in case you come and get sick
Some can not resist my beauty

And I tell you that is not my fault
It´s the fault of your compatriots
who share my domain.

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