
Looking for something...????

Monday, April 6, 2009

Reflection of Iscariot...

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who is the beast staring back at me ?
Screaming voices come pouring in,
I am looking at myself
No comforting words
To wash out the horror
In which I see
So directly
Memories are too overwhelming to me
Close my eyes and wish to hide away
The face of eternity
The face I see
No comforting words
To wash out the horror
In which I see
So directly
Ghosts are passing by me
Through what I see
The past haunting the burnt skin which lay upon me
Shut my eyes and hope it to go away
A mask vastly stitched to cover the hate
That is placed inside
This mirror is a gaze of black marble
I watch myself knowing not what I am
My heart looks so hollow through these glass fixture eyes
Behind me I see devils hiding in the shadow
They resemble me
Looking closely
Darkness pulls me down
I take a knife within my hands
Beg of me to shed this monsters skin
Piercing the knife within me
I tare away all hope and serenity
The face of a girl I once knew haunts me
Dancing all around me
Making scribbles all over my mind
I am confused of which identity belong to me
I am drowning In my own reflection
Relating to all those tears I once shed
Along the shore of grief
Yet It starts to fade but another image of a man appears
Is this me
Or someone I once knew
Or someone I do know
Fear conquers over me
Shedding blood I fall
I want to stop
Destroy what I see
Words park over me
Hateful words that crash and thunder upon me
Hard like kids throwing rocks
Monster I am
Cut my heart from within throwing it away
Blood splashes across the mirror
I am unsure if it is mine or a beasts
Who am I ?
Screaming out a monster unleashed
The skin is no longer attached to my fiercely graved body
Which lay lifeless
By thy monsters evil reflection
No comforting words
To wash out the horror
In which I see
So directly
The silent Immortal death of someone who I use to be………

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