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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dark Side

Everybody has dark side
It is weak and it is might
It is all and it is nothing
It is dark, it isn't light.

Again great evil was defeated
The huge and strong dark hordes was beaten
Their lord was sent to hell again
Who always said: Just use your brain!

Again the wind disturbs the grass
Again we have some tears in eyes
Again we happy till we`re cheated
Again we happy till we`re defeated

Again we live in our dreams
And dont like to hear any screams
Again we shut eyes on the poor
And always say: What can I do?

Again we call each other names
And jealous to the other fames
Again we hope to cheat each other
On sale is everything, and even whole earth

Again the leader is a joker
Who won a game in dirty poker
He has no face, he is just dim
And nothing else I see in him

Again we listen to lies in news
And never thinking like a moose
We think they tell us only truth
But fake is the motto of their crew

Again we have no ones respect
And every man is like an insect
Again we make a lot of pacts
But our leaders are in acts

Again. So on
So on. Again

Its our course
And our blame

If you hate that all
Like me,
Fight for dark,
Your destiny,
Call the demons from the hell,
They are fighting very well.

Take your weapon,
Leave your home,
We fight again,
Against sky dome.

I am sorry for the end,
It is foolish and some mad,
But forgive me that I write,
Its not I, its my dark side.

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