Looking for something...????
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Picking Up The Pieces.....

Monday, May 26, 2008
Nothing Else Matters.....

Saturday, May 24, 2008
A Generation Awakens...

ज़िंदगी जीने के सिर्फ़ दो ही तरीके होते हैं । एक, जो हो रहा है होने दो, बरदाश्त करते जाओ । या फिर ज़िम्मेदारी उठाओ उसे बदलने की। ज़िंदगी जीने के सिर्फ़ दो ही तरीके होते हैं । एक, जो हो रहा है होने दो, बरदाश्त करते जाओ । या फिर ज़िम्मेदारी उठाओ उसे बदलने की। ज़िंदगी जीने के सिर्फ़ दो ही तरीके होते हैं । एक, जो हो रहा है होने दो, बरदाश्त करते जाओ । या फिर ज़िम्मेदारी उठाओ उसे बदलने की। ज़िंदगी जीने के सिर्फ़ दो ही तरीके होते हैं । एक, जो हो रहा है होने दो, बरदाश्त करते जाओ । या फिर ज़िम्मेदारी उठाओ उसे बदलने की।
The way I see it the more one tolertates wrongs the doers remain unaffected. We can sit back , relax and wait for justice or we could take the resposibility unto our own hands. Stand up against Corruption and Malpractices if not for others, for yourself . The only problem with us are that either we are too lazy or that we do not bother to. According to the Constitution of India ,every citizen of the Republic of India has some FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS. These rights are being violated every minute , yet we stay quiet. We have seen numerous instances like Singur, Nandigram and Rizwanur. How much more do we have to see.....???
It is far better to fight against these injustices and perish than to wait and watch helplessly.
I do not ask for violence for it only begets violence. All I ask for is unity for a common cause.
To change the country we need to change ourselves first. Change will come.... We will usher it in...To do this we need to shoulder responsibilities. We are the next generation. Let us awaken....
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Of Blogs and Dogs......

Meow. Catfights in the film industry aren't really new.Film history abounds with entertaining examples of how one actress ruined her manicure by pulling out an other's hair.Such altercations are enjoyable for the gossip loving masses- necessary, even , to feel connected to the people behind the larger than life screen images.But sexist or not it's mostly the female celebrities who've given in to their ego and made their dislike for each other in the most spectacular fashion. Like so much else Web 2.0 is changing that.
lucrative blog deals they need to justify with one scandal creating statement after the other. Perhaps that's why Aamir Khan has given in to the puerile schoolboy in him and bought the house that came-coincidentally of course-with a pet pooch named after his arch rival Shah Rukh Khan. So when Aamir blogged that "Shah Rukh is licking my feet and I am feeding him biscuits now and then", he wasn't trying to send the celebrity obsessed media into a tizzy(yeah right). Even venerable Amitabh Bachchan has waded into the fray with his own potshot at , you guessed it, Shah Rukh Khan.He's displayed his catty side by rechristening Shah Rukh's new quiz show "Paanchvi Fail" and comparing it to its TRPs with his stellar ratings for his Kaun Banega Crorepati.The gloves are off,gauntlets have been thrown and it's daggers at dawn in the virtual world. So let's just wait and watch the battle of the blogs folks....for the off screen war is yet to begin....
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Smells like Teen Spirit......

Sunday, May 18, 2008
In the Rain....

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Aparajito..the Unvanquished.....

If Pather Panchali talks of the boundless joys of childhood and it's close association with nature then Aparajito deals the slow realisation of the harsh world when an adolescent is growing up.
My Achievements from St.Xavier's.....
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Discomfort endlessly has pulled itself upon me....

Continuing from where I broke off in the last post there was no conversation between us until one fine day she had to destroy the peace of my mind. Out of nowhere she had to pop up and apologise for her mysterious disappearing act and pretend to be devastated herself. She came up with this brilliant joke about 'Friendship' and how badly she needed it that time.Trust me this was all codswallop but I was nursing old wounds and thought it could be a new avenue for me to take but the old road continued farther than I expected it to..... Beneath her overtures of friendship there was a thorn of treachery. Her abominably nosy mother had to interfere and spread rumours defiling my character. As usual of course I didn't give a damn. I couldn't stoop down to her level anyway and have my revenge. I had stopped texting her but she just wouldn't stop.Her persistence was really pissing me off. I often used to ask myself whether she was devoid of intelligence or her retaliation time was really slow because how could one not take the hint after so long.
Slowly my wounds healed but definitely left visible scars. I had given her two chances to reform herself but she ignored them. Therefore it was time she repented . Besides I found no similarity between us anymore so this relationship could nver survive, not anymore....but she would never understand it....
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Heavy thoughts sift through dust.........

Life in a big crowded city like Kolkata can be gruelling. It's always active with people scarcely having time for themselves. Almost a year and a half ago I had begun my search for someone to bring some vibrancy into my lone dull and derelict life. I was Christmas Day, Last year where all my troubles began.... My mother had a colleague whose husband had suffered from a life threatening automobile accident and her daughter was very upset with it. I was offered to cheer her up by taking her out to a mall. I had always fancied her but never could muster enough courage to tell her. She and I again went out on the 31st. I finally told her and she even confessed having feelings for me. That was the start of a whirlwind romance which barely lasted 4 months but left my insides torn apart and bleeding. I would have consoled myself if that had been the end of it. However memories refuse to set me free from this cage .....
Friday, May 9, 2008
You take away ...And I give in ....
I often had always thought that love in whatsoever form was perfection in life, love made you complete but sometimes its the other way around.It twists and mangles you beyond repair. To many this blog might seem repulsive but then I never said it would be pleasant. Now I understand the true meaning of love. Love is a kind of ague that makes you weak from the inside.You become susceptible to all kinds of traps that you were resistant to.First of all you have an additional resposibility of worrying about your counterpart. However it is much of a burden to worry about oneself let alone others. The lond held belief of the SACRED FEMININE scarcely applies to the modern day women who have almost gotten rid of their feminine instincts and wisdom.They can no longer be personified as ATHENA or SOPHIA , the goddesses of wisdom. Unfaithfulness is perhaps the chief art of a large section of the woman of today.
I had loved but lost more than I could gain but if thats how this mechanism works then what I am today is far better than what I was a year ago.....
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The Beginning and End of Illusions..........
Yes I am hollow, emotionless . I tore off my heart from my chest,throttled it and flung it on the ground only to stand and slowly bleed.I neither have pain nor sorrow for I am bloodless and my nerve endings beneath my skin have been numbed. I am like a lone warrior treading the less travelled paths in life. My dignity has been crushed and defiled but all that has hardly affected my forward pace and even today I walk alone.......