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Monday, May 26, 2008

Nothing Else Matters.....

You didn't win the gold, you even lost the silver but after the match yesterday we can proudly salute the home team. After a long sequence of bad luck (match losses and the rain), the Kolkata Knight Riders have finally shown their supporters what it means to play cricket. Their last match with Kings XI Punjab turned out be a harrowing one indeed leading to a nail-biting end. At almost the close of IPL, the 'Men in Black and Gold' still have the largest fan-base, the coolest promos ,the hottest cheerleaders and the largest money spinning capability. The fact that the Riders didn't make it to the semi-finals hardly bothers us for none of the other teams had a comparable sporting spirit . Team spirit is something we are proud of. Even the owner, our very own 'King Khan' refers to his team as the most entertaining team in IPL.What if the Riders did not have their shot at the finals ? What if they didn't win as much as the others ? The 'Knights in shining golden armour' definitely showed chivalry as Knights should. Wins and losses are after all part of the game. If the team plays with all their heart,'Nothing Else Matters' .

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