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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Picking Up The Pieces.....

Breaking up with somebody is so much more than simply having to be away from a person you love. It means a redefinition, a restructuring, a rethinking of so many plans once chalked out. It means taking a look at your life ahead and trying to accommodate the changes you thought you'd never had to make.This however is a frightening prospect.

But, as always life goes on,and so the painful process of moving on must begin. The first step is acceptance. The biggest problem faced by most at this juncture is denial . I was no exception to it either.It is imperative to be realistic. Easier said than done,of course but a careful thinking procedure is in order. Examine the reasons ,the events that led to the whole affair.If incompatibility was the cause , it is necessary to look at exactly how viable a reconciliation would be(This part didn't work for me...).Would the situation really change ? Would things be any different ? Remember ending a a serious relationship is not an easy decision, and therefore, a lot of thought must have gone into it (or did it ?). It happens when two people(or at least one) are unhappy where they are, and the whole purpose in a relationship is defeated if it isn't something that makes you happy(really..??)It is useless to compromise your own well being with what movies have taught you, is the only way to give your life a meaning.

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