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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Smells like Teen Spirit......

I have this belief that teens and adolescents are thoroughly misunderstood by adults. Sometimes it seems that everything that a teen likes is wrong right from his /her favourite music to his /her favourite colour. According to the multitude of adults today teens think crap,like crap and give themselves away to crap.

If one takes his problems upto a parent figure,he will be showered with advice as to what to do and how to get over it but the suggestions are often not as helpful as the adults think it to be. It is true that we are often reckless and often filled with too much energy. We act first and think later.True, but are all adults always flawless.

All mankind is flawed not just teens as a section of them.Our music tastes are classified as junk. If a poll is conducted worldwide to ascertain whether the genres of music such as ROCK , METAL , RAPCORE , New Age Metal should be abolished ,we all know what the results will be. The popularity of Rock music has encompassed the world yet people say that ROCK music has less audience.Look around you. Metallica, Nirvana , Linkin Park,Green Day , System of a Down and many others have become iconic"Teen Spirit" bands. Language has posed no problem for ROCK music. Bangla Rock is the most happening thing in" Koolkata" these days. The most popular in the Bangla rock scene is none other than Rupam Islam. In his words ....JOY ROCK...

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